결손보전(하다) coverage of loss (cover loss)
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결손보전(하다) coverage of loss (cover loss)
【 용 례 】 지출원은 일상경비출납원이나 세입세출외현금출납원이 망실한 세입·세출 또는 세입세출외 현금을 당해연도내 에 회수할 가망이 없는 때에는 지방자치단체의 장에게 결손보전을 요구하여야 한다 In case it is impossible to recover, within the current year, the revenue and expenditure or the cash other than the revenue and expenditure, which was lost by the officer dealing with daily operating expenses or the officer dealing with the cash other than the revenue and expenditure, the disbursement officer shall request the head of the local government to cover losses in question.
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